Pour One for the Devil is a Gothic novella written by Theodore C. Van Alst, Jr. A student of the Gullah language and a lecturer on indigenous American history, Dr. Van Vierlans is invited to speak to an historical society on the nature of certain shell circles located on an island off the coast of South Carolina. His host, Miss Lizzie would be at home in the antebellum South, the descendant of wealthy plantation owners. She even expects the three Black, Gullah women she employs as cooks and housekeepers to dress and act in a manner reminiscent of abject servitude. The Gullah women, though they humor her by dressing the part, have commanding presences and speak with confidence. It's an odd environment for Van Vierlans to navigate as a stranger, made worse by the Devil who visits him in his dreams and makes bids for his soul. As he gets deeper into his stay in Miss Lizzie's plantation house, he gets sucked into the house's secrets and caught between these four, strange women and the Devil who wants his soul.
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