August 2024 Contest Winner: The Embrace of Summer

Published on 4 September 2024 at 12:51

"The Embrace of Summer" by Pragyan Parui

In the golden arms of summer’s warm embrace,
The earth awakens, kissed by the sun’s bright flame,
Fields of green stretch wide beneath the sky,
As the whispering winds sing nature’s name.


The rivers gleam with the sun’s radiant touch,
Flowing like molten gold through the thirsty land,
Each ripple a dance of light and shade,
Tracing the edges of time’s gentle hand.


The mango trees, their branches heavy with fruit,
Offer sweet treasures in the midday heat,
While the cuckoo’s song echoes through the grove,
A melody of love, both soft and sweet.


The lotus rises from the depths of the pond,
Her petals unfurl in the summer light,
A symbol of purity, in beauty’s bloom,
Her fragrance fills the air, serene and bright.


Children laugh and play in the fields of gold,
Their joy a mirror of the sun’s bright cheer,
As the earth basks in the season’s glow,
Each moment a memory, precious and dear.


The nights, though warm, bring a gentle breeze,
The stars above like diamonds in the sky,
And the moon, a silken thread of silver light,
Woven through the fabric of summer’s sigh.


O summer, in your fiery yet tender grace,
You teach the heart to burn with passion’s flame,
To cherish the fleeting days of light,
And find in the heat, love’s eternal name.

Image Description: A single, pink lotus flower rises out of dark water between green leaves that rest on the water's surface.

Credit: Saffu / Unsplash via Webador

About the Author

Pragyan Parui is a high school student and a pediatric Crohn's patient. Congratulations to Pragyan for winning the August Flash Fiction and Poetry contest! You can read more of Pragyan's work on Neobook.

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