11 Books in Celebration of Winter Holidays

Published on 4 January 2024 at 14:19

Winter months in the northern hemisphere is filled with holidays celebrated by people of many cultures and religions. Christmas tends to get the most attention in the United States and arguments have frequently arisen pertaining to holiday greetings like Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah, and Happy Holidays. In this article, we share a book for as many winter holidays as we could find. It's probably not comprehensive, but it's a start at recognizing how many different holidays exist around this time of year. If you know of another holiday that isn't represented on this list, let us know so that we can add it to a future article. Click the button below to read the full article or visit the links below to learn more about some of these holidays.

A Few Winter Holidays Reflected in This Article:

Image Description: A red-orange sun sets against a snowy, mountainous horizon. Snow-covered houses sit on the left and right sides of the photo. Evergreen trees dot the mountainsides. A pale fog rolls in the distance.

Credit: Michael Niessl / Unsplash via Webador

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